Great Clean Ups are well planned, co-ordinated and publicised. See our checklist below to help you coordinate a successful Clean Up event.
1. Before your Clean Up
Select a Clean Up Site
Choose an area near you which you think is in need of a Clean Up. If you need some inspiration, your local council may be able to provide you with advice regarding suitable areas.
Please bear in mind when choosing your site that for health and safety reasons roadside Clean Ups may only be carried out on municipal (council) roads, not arterial roads or freeways. Roadside Clean Ups are also subject to additional safety requirements which may be found here.
Obtain permission to access your Clean Up Site
Your local council should be able to assist with this. If the site is on private land, you must obtain the landholder's permission before proceeding.
Organise the removal of rubbish from your site
Will you be removing the rubbish yourself? If you would like your local council to assist you with removing the rubbish, please confirm this with them before registering on our website.
You can also call us on 1800 282 329.
Clean Up Kits for sites registered for Clean Up Australia Day are sent out in February. Kits for sites registered at any other time of the year are sent out immediately and will take up to two weeks to arrive.
Your Clean Up starter pack contains:
- 10-20 clean up bags
- 5 pairs of adult gloves
- A site supervisor vest
- Documentation including Site Guide and volunteer registration forms.
If required, a sharps container can be included with your kit upon request.
Business Clean Up Kits contain:
- 25 Clean up bags
- 5 pairs of gloves
- A site supervisor vest
- A sharps container
School Clean Up Kits Contain
- Five Rubbish and Recycling bags
- 4 pairs of gloves for teachers
Complete a Site Inspection
Utilise the Site inspection checklist in your Site Guide to implement risk controls.
Ensure volunteer facilities are available and any extra equipment which you need on the day
While Clean Up Australia is able to provide a limited number of gloves and bags free of charge with our Clean Up Kits, we suggest larger groups request their volunteers bring additional supplies along. If you would like to purchase extra items they are available through our online store.
Promote your Clean Up to the local community and media
Read through your
Site Guide
for further ideas of how to promote your event using
the documentation included in your Clean Up Kit.
2. On the Day
For a more detailed checklist of activities to be completed on the day, please consult your Site Guide.
Put up a sign or banner to advertise your site
Set up your volunteer registration table and position the risk warning poster
Hold a volunteer safety briefing
Welcome your volunteers, brief them about safety and how rubbish will be handled on the day. Assign appropriate tasks to volunteers.
Distribute bags and gloves to volunteers
Have fun!
3. At the end of your Clean Up event
Ensure that the removal of rubbish is organised
Make sure that rubbish is in an easily accessible for collection (i.e. as close as possible to the road) and not blocking public thoroughfares.
Thank volunteers and present certificates
Collate volunteer registration forms and complete your End of Clean Up Rubbish Checklist
Leave the site clean and tidy
Report back to Clean Up Australia on your site activity
Remember to submit your End of Clean Up Report, completed and signed Volunteer Registration Forms and any Accident Incident Reports generated on the day.
Following your Clean Up you can send us stories and photos from the day and enter our competitions.