Plastic as a Resource
Plastics are made from non-renewable natural resources such as crude oil, gas and coal. According to the 2002 Nolan ITU Report for Environment Australia on Plastic Shopping Bags - Analysis of Levies and Environmental Impacts; just 8.7 plastic checkout bags contain enough embodied petroleum energy to drive a car 1 kilometre.
Plastic bags are recyclable. If plastic is not recycled, this embodied energy is lost from the resource chain.
Production of Waste in Australia
Australians are the second highest producers of waste, per person, in the world with each of us sending over 690 kilograms of waste to landfill each year (the United States is the highest waste producer). The amount of waste placed in landfill each year in Australia is enough to cover the state of Victoria.
Plastic Waste and Clean Up Australia Day
Plastic has remained the most common category of rubbish picked up on Clean Up Australia day over the last 20 years. In 2017, it made up 35% of all rubbish found. Of the plastic rubbish found, 16.6 % were plastic bags.