In Australia we have great facilities for rubbish collection. There is no good reason for rubbish to enter our environment.
However the more rubbish we produce the more likely it is to end up in our waterways. Check out some of the things you can do:
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Compost.
We have loads of tips to help you reduce the packaging you need to dispose.
Are you sure that bottled water is better for you?
It certainly is not better for our environment.
How big is this problem?
What can you do about it?
What is being done to prevent straws entering our waterways?
Increasingly retailers are eliminating single use plastic bags at the checkout.
Why is this important?
Who is leading the way?
Did you know that cigarette butts contain plastic?
This is part of the filter which traps the tar and other toxins to minimise the amount inhaled.
So butts in our waterways are a problem for two reasons.